Monday, July 8, 2013

Peter and Paul

This last month and a half or so has been crazy for my family and me. We moved down from New Jersey, bounced all over the state of Texas visiting friends and family while we waited to be able to move into our new house, and were welcomed with open arms into our new church family here at Kyle UMC. Now we're trying to redefine for ourselves what order and routine look like in the Cain family. It's been a crazy summer, but it's been good.

As I reflect back on the month of June and everything that happened within it, two specific events stand out in my mind: Annual Conference and JAM Camp.

Friday, July 5, 2013

First Sermon at Kyle UMC--Luke 8:26-39

Here is my first recorded sermon! I am so excited that I'll be able to upload these every week onto the blog. Stay tuned for other thoughts and reflections from the past month as well, for God is working on some stuff in me, and I am pretty sure it's all about to come bursting forth on my blog.