My little sister just returned home from her last children’s church camp. Next year, she’ll attend the Jr. High camps that I first attended and then worked as a councilor at while I was in high school and college. On her way home from camp, she called me, as she has every time she’s come home from camp, to tell me about the week and to share with me the stories still imprinted in her mind.
I asked her, as I always do, what her favorite part of the week was. Her answer threw me. I was expecting her to say something like “the worship” or “small groups” or “making this new friend who I can’t wait to see again soon.” Instead, she said that her favorite was the first day when they placed the icebreaker games and she got to know her fellow campers. This wasn’t at all what I was ready for. I mean, sure those games can be fun, but you go to church camp for the God experience, that moment during a specific song or conversation or walk through the woods where the presence of God is overwhelming and God speaks to you in a way He never has before. Icebreakers? I hated those games when I was her age. I thought they were a waste of time. Let’s get to the worship, the small groups, even the rec time when we can play ultimate Frisbee! I don’t want to play get-to-know-you games; I want to do camp!